Breast and Cervical Cancer 2018: Breast cancer family history assessment and counselling - Mohamad Al-Gailani Al Hammadi Hospital Al-Suwaidi | Abstract

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Breast and Cervical Cancer 2018: Breast cancer family history assessment and counselling - Mohamad Al-Gailani Al Hammadi Hospital Al-Suwaidi

Author(s): Mohamad Al-Gailani Al Hammadi Hospital Al-Suwaidi

Breast cancer is the commonest female malignancy accounting for about 22% of all new female cancers. It is expected to affect 1:8 (12%) of women during their life time. The incidence in the Gulf and Arab world is approaching that in the West. Many women are anxious about their family history of breast cancer and what-if anything-they can do about it. In this presentation we will discuss breast cancer susceptibility and how to reduce the risk in general, the relevance of the individual???s family history, the objective assessment and risk stratification of family history and whether the Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP) and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) could increase the risk? Finally, what are the modern options available for a woman with a significant family history of breast cancer? It includes review of the latest NICE UK guidelines on breast screening, chemoprevention and risk reducing bilateral skin sparing mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. Malignancies will in general group in certain families, likely inferable from cooperations between way of life components and varieties in hereditary code. Ladies with 1 first-degree relative with bosom malignancy have a overlap expanded danger of bosom disease; if that relative had her malignant growth analyzed before menopause, the expanded hazard is 3-fold.

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