Heterogeneity of Radioactivity In Soil From Karunagapally, Kerala | Abstract

The Open Access Journal of Science and Technology


Heterogeneity of Radioactivity In Soil From Karunagapally, Kerala

Author(s): S. Monica*, P.J. Jojo

It has been observed that certain regions along the coast have regions of highradioactivity with a highly heterogeneous nature of distribution. We have made a briefinvestigation to study the extend and diversity of levels in one of the coastal thaluk, which is otherwise known as normal background region. The gamma spectrometric measurement
was used for the estimation of natural radioactivity in soil samples collected in a systematic way from Karunagapally. Radium equivalent activity (Raeq) and the radiological parameters such as internal and external hazard indices, absorbed dose rate, indoor and outdoor annual effective dose, Representative Level index were also determined from the
estimated value of the specific activity of 226Ra, 232Th and40K.The measured specific activity in soil samples show a wide range of activity with certain radioactive pockets in
the region. The results indicate the necessity of an in depth study in the region.

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