Pattern of Suicide:A Review of Autopsies Conducted at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret Kenya | Abstract

The Open Access Journal of Science and Technology


Pattern of Suicide:A Review of Autopsies Conducted at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret Kenya

Author(s): B.N.Macharia,M.A.Iddah,F.M.Ndiangui,and A.Keter

Problem statement. Suicide is one of the ten leading causes of death in the world, accounting for more than 400,000 deathsannually.Thepattern ofsuicide andtheincidence ofsuicide varyfromcountrytocountry.Cultural,religiousandsocial valuesplaysomeroleinsuicide.Currently,thereisnodataregardingtheincidenceofsuicideinKenya.Setting.MoiTeachingand ReferralHospitalMortuary.Studypopulation.Aseven-yearretrospectivestudyofalltheautopsiesperformedattheMoiTeaching and Referral Hospital was analysed and the cases that were definitely determined as suicides were further studied. Objective. To characterize the pattern of suicide cases through autopsies conducted at MTRH mortuary between the years 2005 to 2012. Methodology.Retrospectivedescriptivecross-sectionalstudy.SuicidecaseswereidentifiedfromtheMTRHautopsyrecordbooks. From these record books, the autopsy number was used to retrieve the pathologists autopsy report. Data regarding age, gender andmethodsofsuicidewasretrievedandenteredintoa datacollectionform. Data analysis:Datacollected wasanalysedusing Stata version 10. Results. There were 213 autopsies performed. Majority were male 180(85%). The subjects had a median age of 29(IQR: 23–37) years. Organophosphate poisoning was the most preferred method followed by hanging. Organophosphate poisoningaccounted for195(91.54%)and hangingfor17(7.98%) ofthe subjects. Conclusion.Thepreferredmethods ofsuicide werepoisoningandhanging.Thestudymayhavemissedsomecaseswheretherelativescouldhavedeclinedforthepostmortem procedureandhencethebodyreleasedwithoutpostmortemexaminations.


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